Sweet Deals
Be our Restaurant of the Week!
What Is It?
Our stations have a unique asset called Sweet Deals which offers you all of the benefits of a radio and digital campaign but with no up-front spend. Instead of using cash, Sweet Deals allows you to barter a fixed number of items (i.e. gift certificates, tickets, product, service, etc.). By focusing on your marketing objectives, while also promoting the sale of those gift certificates to our audience at a discounted price, we can accomplish your goals while you simply agree to honor and redeem the offers that customers present.
How Does It Work?
Sweet Deals is Radio. It's a marketing campaign for your business with no upfront cash investment. It's not about the offer. We limit your liability by selling a fixed, fair number of deals. Success comes from advertising, not deal redemption. How? You control the creative message. Our on-air execution is commercial content for your business. It's a great way to fund marketing for your business objectives like new menu items, seasonal events, slumps, or new locations without a cash investment.